
If you are an individual, self-employed or owner of a small business and you wish to benefit from coverage similar to that offered by group health plans or to complete your basic coverage, the individual Health coverage is the most appropriate for your needs.
Subscribing to an individual health contract offers you several advantages that vary according to your needs. You can choose the most suitable plan for your situation, taking into account the benefits offered for each type of plan.

The advantages of health insurance:

•   The refund or payment of hospitalization expenses in Morocco or abroad;
•   The refund of outpatient treatment
•   The refund of non-hospital services: physiotherapy, radio, scanner, laboratory analyses, etc.
•   Coverage of transport costs by air ambulance

With the EPEGA health insurance advisor, you will be able to assess your needs according to your general state of health, your age, your sex (is pregnancy planned?). For your children, he will study with you all the benefits offered (orthodontics, optics, specialist consultations…).

With him at your side, you can be sure to be well covered for the care that is essential to you, while respecting your budget.
